
We love spicy food, but when storage space for spices in a tiny galley is a big issue, so how do you keep those spices on hand?

 I scoured the internet.  I questioned other boaters. And then I started experimenting.  Maybe a small container with multiple spices would do.  So when I saw this at one of my favorite stores and used it onboard.  It is good for a short camping trip, but an unsatifactory solution, but it fits in a very small space. The wee multi-spice cabinet box–is cute, but just not enough for our purposes.

Itty bitty spice cabinet



Next I tried a solution this great solution proffered by a boater that worked well for her.  She used clear bead storage jar units with boxes. I had to stack the units in my cabinet, which required putting silicone on the bottom of one unit so that it didn’t slide around. I was constantly refilling the jars and needed to take both units out every time I cooked taking up valuable counter space.  The jars also were not as airtight as the jars you purchase spices in, so my spices began clumping.


Bead Jar Spice Boxes

So, I began searching for anothe solution on the internet.  My criteria: 1) easy access, 2) uses jars available anywhere, 3) room for lots of variey, 4) fits in my cabinet, and 5) doesn’t rust. 20150107_035938719_iOS

I scoured the internet again.  I found a product that seemed to fit my criteria, but it seemed too good to be true.  It wasn’t cheap, but if it would work, I was willing to pay.  I found a store in town where I could look at the cabinet,and if my measurements were off, I could return it.  It worked!  I can access my spices while I am cooking without taking up valuable counterspace.  I have been using this for more than 6 monts, and I love it!
My spice cabinet aboard SV Tumbleweed.

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